Nationwide Hazardous Management

Epping Forest District Council

AA Woods has been undertaking asbestos services for Epping Forest District Council since 2016. In 2020 we successfully secured a further long term single supplier contract.

Epping Forest District Council are responsible for managing 6,500 properties.

Works are either single orders or part of wider work streams for the removal of licensed and non-licensed asbestos materials, focused on planned maintenance such as kitchen and bathroom refurbishment programmes and meter cupboard replacements.

The works typically include the removal of:

Textured coatings

Bath panels

Riser panels

Water tanks and cisterns

AIB boxings, ceilings, porches and other linings to internal areas

AIB linings and subsequent replacement of historic doors

AIB and cement-based soffits / fascia’s

Rainwater goods

Garage roofs

Other services required as part of this contract include lead paint removal and land remediation.


Epping Forest District Council

Services delivered:

Asbestos Removal


Land Remediation

Lead Paint Removal / Decontamination


Epping Forest, London