Nationwide Hazardous Management

St. Mary’s Hospital

Founded in 1845, St. Mary’s Hospital is where Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin back in 1928. Today St. Mary’s is one of only four major trauma centres in London.

AA Woods were commissioned by Imperial Health NHS Trust to undertake major asbestos works to the underground duct system adjoining plantroom and associated risers.

This confined space duct system was contaminated with asbestos insulation debris from a previous poor strip, with services still insulated with asbestos hard-set insulation in parts.

We were instructed to remove the asbestos from the duct system, plantroom and risers so that urgent upgrade works could be undertaken and future maintenance of the system could be achieved.

On completion of the asbestos removal works we re-insulated all pipework services and upgraded the floor finishes.

The hospital remained live throughout the works, the project was delivered in phases and we worked out of hours where necessary so as not to disrupt the day-to-day running of the hospital.


Imperial Health NHS Trust

Services Delivered:

Asbestos Removal



Paddington, London